Inspired by my “silent interaction rituals,” performed within a split-second of my everyday social interaction, this body of work expands on my thoughts and feelings while meeting someone's gaze and the following thoughts. These silent interactions set in motion a self-interrogation that questions my interactional experience and makes me wonder about the other person. What is their life like? Would we get along? Would they receive me well? Are they having the same interactional experience? Are they worth spending time with? Would they impact my life in any way? Will we change each other’s lives? These moments of thought and interrogation are inherent traits that have deep origins in our very existence and our evolutionary development as a social species. Through this work, I give form to my invisible experience of thought and innermost feelings that I don’t usually share with those I interact with. It serves as a visual for something internal and purely invisible that can’t always be understood.
In Passing
Of Curiosity
Moving On